
  • Marite Saulite The Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia, Latvia
  • Rudīte Andersone The Faculty of Education, Psychology and ArtUniversity of Latvia, Jūrmalas avenue 76, Rīga, LV – 1083


Słowa kluczowe:

career management skills, study process, podologist, multicultural environment


Because of the affections of globalization process and because of the changes in social-political situation in world, multicultural environment in Latvia is also changing. Latvia becomes more and more attractive for foreign citizens from Europe the same as for citizens from elsewhere, that choose to settle down here permanently or only for a period of time. That is considerable challenge for education and healthcare.

Workers in field of medicine, and podologs as well, must guide their professional carreer development in mutable multicultural environment. That is why needs of joung specialists are changing too-with knowledge, skills and competencies necessary in proffession, specialists must develop creativity and critical thinking, insight of values and culture, humanism and citizenship, decision-making and problem- solving skills as well as entrepreneurial abilities and communication skills.

In process of prepearing new podologs for work in multicultural environment more important becomes development of those personal attributes set, that are made of tact and diplomacy, as well as development of basic skill set, that includes learning skill and skill to make compromises, but career  management skill set development is characterized by ability to collaborate, ability to notice changes in working environment and ability to give support.

The goal of this article is to describe, theoreticaly and empyricaly, the development of necessary carreer management skills for work in multicultural environment to new podologs.

Keywords: career management skills, study process, podologist, multicultural environment



Biogramy autorów

Marite Saulite - The Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia, Latvia


scientific interests: education

Rudīte Andersone - The Faculty of Education, Psychology and ArtUniversity of Latvia, Jūrmalas avenue 76, Rīga, LV – 1083

PhD, professor

scientific interests: education, methodics


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Jak cytować

Saulite, M., & Andersone, R. (2017). DEVELOPMENT OF CAREER MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF NEW PODOLOGISTS FOR WORK IN A MULTICULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8(1), 225–238.

