Selected opportunities for access to geriatric clients from the perspective of assisting professions


  • Michal Vostrý Faculty of Health studies, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Velká Hradební 13, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic



dementia, education, elderly education, occupational therapy, special education - intervention, comprehensive rehabilitation, motor deficiency,


Aim: The aim of the work was to find out what the influence of ICT use also on ICT (information and communication technology, in this case gaming console with motion sensor, which senses movements of the probanda body and thus is controlled by a fictional figure in the game) in the rehabilitation of cognitive functions on attention and orientation. Concept/methods: Alzheimer's disease is becoming increasingly the source of both professional and lay discourse. Statistical data show that increasing the average life expectancy increases the number of seniors and thus increases the number of people with dementia, with Alzheimer's disease being the most common type (up to 65% of all cases of dementia in the Czech Republic). This trend will continue to follow, and the number of people affected will increase. For guidance in 2006, 2231 people with Alzheimer's disease were registered, while in 2010 this number increased to 3148. For the research, 10 probands (100% of women) were used in the age range of 65-81 years, with the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease - a light type. Probandi was divided into 5 groups, divided into 5 groups, into an experimental group that actively participated in the intervention and services provided by the institutions in which they were located, and a control group that participated only in the services and activities provided by institution. The research lasted half a year once a week and the activity itself lasted within 25 minutes. Results: Of the 10 probands in total, 5 of us participated actively in our intervention. Prior to the start of the intervention, the results in the assessment (using the Addenbrook Cognitive Assay) were at the same level, but there was visible change between the experimental and the control group during the outcomes assessment. Conclusion: Experimental group achieved better scores or better results. the results themselves stagnated, while the control group experienced a minor deterioration in the test areas.


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Author Biography

Michal Vostrý, Faculty of Health studies, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Velká Hradební 13, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic

Assistant professor


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How to Cite

Vostrý, M. (2018). Selected opportunities for access to geriatric clients from the perspective of assisting professions. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 9(1), 89–95.