The influence of computer games on second language acquisition


  • Małgorzata Serafin Institute of English Studies Second Language Learning and Teaching Section University of Wroclaw ul. Kuźnicza 22 50-138 Wrocław

Słowa kluczowe:

computer games, second language acquisition, edutainment, CALL, CAL, e-learning


Nowadays, computer games are considered an integral part of most of teenagers’ lives. Young people spend a great amount of their free time on computer games; therefore, there has risen a question, how can the English language teachers gain advantage from this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to find out how far computer games are considered useful in second language acquisition by young learners. I would like to know which types of computer games are the most educational for teenagers. In order to investigate this matter, I conducted a survey among young learners. The survey examined 102 students who play computer games or they used to play them in the past. In the questionnaire, I asked them ten questions about computer games and their influence on second language learning; for example, what kind of games they consider the most educational. Secondly, I inquired, which language skills do they practice the most while playing computer games; vocabulary, pronunciation, or others. The results from my survey, could be a useful tool for English language teachers. They may enrich their lessons with some elements of computer games’ vocabulary or grammar structures.




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Jak cytować

Serafin, M. (2017). The influence of computer games on second language acquisition. Edutainment, 1(1). Pobrano z


