“Distance and Avatar” – selected elements of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and the reception of self-presentation contents


  • Luba Jakubowska The Witelon State University of Applied Sciences in Legnica Department of Pedagogy Sejmowa 5A, 59-220 Legnica

Słowa kluczowe:

CMC, avatar, distance, self-presentation


The research pertains to the relevance of selected features of CMC to the reception of self-presentation contents. I checked whether the place of residence (distance) between the sender the recipient of self-presentation can change the attractiveness of a self-presentation. The second hypothesis pertains to the influence of avatars on self-presentation. I assumed that a negative avatar can decrease the attractiveness of self-presentation, and a positive one can increase it. The avatars and the names of towns and cities were randomly allotted to the persons who would present them. That is why, in theory, they were to have no bearing on what the persons would say about themselves. 10 presentations by persons applying for a job were used.

Each self-presentation was analysed with the use of the ANOVA model. In the case of half of the self-presentations the hypotheses were confirmed – small distance increased the attractiveness of the self-presentations, and a negative avatar decreased it.

The research has provided a number of conclusions as to its technical aspect. I treat these conclusions as preparation for broader research in which I am going to examine the relevance of five features of CMC to the attractiveness of self-presentation. Even at the present stage I can state that such research requires a thorough experimental plan both in its factual and technical aspect.




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Jak cytować

Jakubowska, L. (2017). “Distance and Avatar” – selected elements of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and the reception of self-presentation contents. Edutainment, 1(1). Pobrano z https://ogrodynauk.pl/index.php/EDUT/article/view/10.15503.edut.2016.1.63.71


