Popularisation of traditional children's games through information-communication technology in contemporary education


  • Adnan Tufekčić Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla Tihomila Markovića 1 75 000 Tuzla

Słowa kluczowe:

traditional children’s games, toys, information-communication technology, contemporary education


Traditional children’s games represent an important area within pedagogical culture and tradition of every ethnic group. The opportunities for popularisation of traditional children’s games in contemporary educational systems through information-communication technology are elaborated in this paper. In doing so, two main aims of this process are emphasised. The first aim is related to opportunities of digitalisation and virtualisation of various traditional children’s games into educational computer programs and applications. The second aim, without which the first would not be sufficient, is related to motivating and encouraging children for “transmission” of traditional games from virtual world into real life. It would include different children’s activities, after introducing traditional games through specially created computer programs, making of real props and organisation of these games in the real world, in a natural environment within free activities in school and some subjects such as: Physical Education, History, Nature and Society, Practical and Handicrafts.




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Jak cytować

Tufekčić, A. (2017). Popularisation of traditional children’s games through information-communication technology in contemporary education. Edutainment, 1(1). Pobrano z https://ogrodynauk.pl/index.php/EDUT/article/view/10.15503.edut.2016.1.33.44


