Homo technicus - a man in the information society


  • Aleksandra Marcinkiewicz-Wilk University of Wroclaw Faculty of Pedagogy ul. J. W. Dawida 1 Wroclaw

Słowa kluczowe:

information society, internet, homo technicus, technologies, ICT


The rapid development of new technology implies changes in human lives. More and more aspects of human life are moving into the internet space. The internet is a new place to be a person which can implicate a new identity and personality. Therefore, the aim of this article is show theoretical considerations on the impact of the information society on human life. The first part of the article includes typologies of people in the information society distinguished by Manuel Castells and Jerzy Mikułowski Pomorski - differences and similarities of both typologies are shown. Next, characteristics of the information society are presented and the impact of the new reality on human identity. It should be noted that new types of human identity influence many factors which are important to construct a new type of communication, network culture (new language, habits, new values etc). Based on this I have tried to describe the complicated situation of man – homo technicus. Moreover, elements important to function in the information society like: attitudes, abilities and level of involvement in the information society are distinguished. Thereby, were presented factors of participation homo technicus in a modern society.




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Jak cytować

Marcinkiewicz-Wilk, A. (2017). Homo technicus - a man in the information society. Edutainment, 1(1). Pobrano z https://ogrodynauk.pl/index.php/EDUT/article/view/10.15503.edut.2016.1.11.19


