The use of games and ICT in education of children with special needs


  • Elena Reprintceva Kursk State University Radischev st. 33 Kursk, 305000

Słowa kluczowe:

game, Pedagogic Potential of Game, computer game programs, child with special needs, inclusive education


One of the most adapted tools of inclusive education is game, it facilitates the integration of a child with special needs into the community of normal children, at the same time it helps children to interact with peers who have developmental problems.

The Pedagogic Potential of Game includes some game resources: socializing, developmental, diagnostic, didactic, psychotherapeutic, recreational and other resources. The use of games in inclusive education improves social competence and communication skills of children with special needs. In game playing, these children have more opportunities for social interaction with their healthy peers.

Solving the problems of inclusive education at some Russian schools teachers use the following computer game programs: World Outside Your Window, Games for Tigra, Sunny Castle logopaedic simulator Delfa-142.

The use of computer gaming technology in the educational process of the inclusive school facilitates the assimilation of children with special needs educational content subjects.




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Reprintceva, E. (2017). The use of games and ICT in education of children with special needs. Edutainment, 1(1). Pobrano z


