A different cultural education. The use of location-based games in academic education


  • Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska Institute of Pedagogy University of Wroclaw Dawida 1 50-527 Wroclaw
  • Jacek Gulanowski Institute of Pedagogy University of Wroclaw Dawida 1 50-527 Wroclaw


academic education, university, cultural education, ICT in education, games in education, location-based game


The paper discusses results of a study conducted as a part of the Kulturalny Wrocław [Cultural Wroclaw] academic project. The aim of the project was to bridge cultural education and education with the use of ICT in the field of academic education. Students of the University of Wroclaw played a specially created location-based game and they evaluated its educational value through questionnaires and focus interviews. They evaluated location-based game as an effective, attractive and valuable method of education, although difficult to organise and dependent on the weather. Participation in the game increased their positive evaluation of the game in comparison to evaluation before playing the game.


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How to Cite

Jurczyk-Romanowska, E., & Gulanowski, J. (2017). A different cultural education. The use of location-based games in academic education. Edutainment, 1(1). Retrieved from https://ogrodynauk.pl/index.php/EDUT/article/view/10.15503.edut.2016.1.87.97


