The development and implementation of a language learning activity: the Dalya game


  • Hasan Coşkun Çankırı Karatekin University Faculty of Letters Department of Education Science Section of Curriculum and Instruction Uluyazı Kampusu 18100 Çankırı


Dalya game, traditional game, educational game, language teaching


According to Michael Parmentier (2004, p. 929), the scope of comprehension of the game concept is wide and quite undefined. Currently, game is one of the most debated issues in the educational science. Undoubtedly, there are many techniques which motivate students to learn throughout their academic lives. One of these techniques is the game. Game is one of the techniques that teachers successfully employ in active teaching. The purpose of this study is to explain, how the Dalya game was converted into an educational game and how it can be used in elective German courses effectively. In the villages of Anatolia, the Dalya game is generally played with a ball made of cloth and with 7 earthenware pots or tiles, in other words with 7 flat stones. Today the traditional Dalya game is played in the slum areas. It is possible to play this game in gymnasiums where the floors are dry and clean. The students play this traditional game to make good use of their leisure time. However, there is a possibility to update this game in respect to didactics and use it in teaching/learning a foreign language.


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How to Cite

Coşkun, H. (2017). The development and implementation of a language learning activity: the Dalya game. Edutainment, 1(1). Retrieved from


