Positive effects of game-based learning on student project work in higher education
game-based learning, active and experiential learning, critical thinking, interdisciplinary approach, innovations in teaching and learningAbstract
The aim of this paper is to discuss the correlation between using gaming techniques and improvement of critical thinking and team work skills. Game-based learning has not been extensively used in higher education despite current literature that implies that game-based learning enhances better understating of theoretical concepts and practice. My course on Leadership and team development in art management combines task -oriented learning, active learning strategies and game-based learning to help students of art management to develop critical thinking and team work skills. Apart from the theoretical frame of the course students are required to complete an art project working as a team throughout the semester. Playing the game Six thinking hats students think “outside of the box” which enhances self-awareness
and team interaction. In this research, the focus group discussion, observation technique, field notes and personal reflections were used. Positive research findings are significant for innovating teaching and learning in higher education classes.Downloads
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